Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 2. Part 1. P. 175-179.
Sinegubov Stanislav Nikolaevich
Tyumen State University (Branch) in Ishim
Abstract. In the article the main anniversary publications of the modern FRG researchers, which are dedicated to the background and history of the First World War and have not been evaluated in the national historiography yet, are considered. The author analyzes them from the perspective of the importance of the chosen themes for scientific research by the German scientists, the "debatable character" of the considered issues, the depth of their revelation, the richness of the new works in original and not previously known documentary materials and evidences, and the identification of successive features in relation to the preceding West German historiography.
Key words and phrases: современная историография ФРГ, предыстория и история Первой мировой войны, научные дискуссии, актуализация "проблемы ответственности", обновление тематики исследований, modern historiography of the FRG, background and history of the First World War, academic arguments, actualization of "problem of responsibility", update of research themes
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