Abstract. The article examines the basic developmental stages of the Party of Democratic Revolution of Mexico, the evolution of its strategy and tactics, political doctrine, analyzes the electoral potential of the left-wing coalition. The author reveals the content of each developmental stage of the party, focuses on the history of the formation of the party as a union of the social movements of different political orientations, concludes on the problems and contradictions of the party development, among which internal fragmentation plays the leading role nowadays.
Key words and phrases: Партия Демократической Революции, социал-демократия, выборы, политические партии, левые партии, Мексика, демократизация, партийное строительство, демократический социализм, латиноамериканский социализм, Party of Democratic Revolution, social democracy, elections, political parties, left-wing parties, Mexico, democratization, party development, democratic socialism, Latin American socialism
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