Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 2. Part 1. P. 60-62.
Gorbunova Elena Vladimirovna
Volgograd State Soсio-Реdagogiсal Univеrsity
Abstract. In the article the author proves that the principle of desacralization is a primary source, which conditions the current state of cultural and historical situation and as a consequence - the ontological foundation of modern culture and the art of postmodernism. The despiritualization of modern artistic culture and art that is associated with the loss of transcendent origin, which characterized all the previous classical culture and aesthetics, is grounded. The main characteristics of desacralized art and culture are considered.
Key words and phrases: десакрализация, современная культура, современное искусство, постмодерн, духовный кризис эпохи, desacralization, modern culture, modern art, postmodernism, spiritual crisis of the epoch
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