Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 12. Part 2. P. 179-183.
Ukhalova Alisa Olegovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. The article for the first time examines "youthfulness" representation in the social network ‘Instagram’ by users of various ages. The author suggests dividing the users into two age groups. Each of them has its own understanding of "youthfulness" and idea about the possibilities of using this concept. The paper substantiates the ways of the representation of the virtual world of "youthfulness". The researcher shows that the concept "youthfulness" serves as a resource of freedom for the user while choosing a way in constructing "him(her)self".
Key words and phrases: концепт "молодость", конструирование виртуальной идентичности, социальная сеть, способы репрезентации "молодости", самопрезентация, культура потребления, concept "youthfulness", constructing virtual identity, social network, ways of "youthfulness" representation, self-presentation, culture of consumption
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