Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 12. Part 2. P. 98-101.
Ivanov Dmitrii Igorevich
Ivanovo State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to a relevant scientific problem of the analysis of synthetic rock-text. Within the framework of the author’s conception of synthetic linguistic personality the communicative potential of the "printed" area of synthetic rock-text actualization associated with the particular composition of the actualized components of synthetic linguistic personality is considered. The lack of articulatory and musical constituent parts has double consequences: the "literary" intra-text tools of influence on the subject-interpreter are actualized, but the reduction of the synthetic nature of rock-text takes place.
Key words and phrases: рок-текст, синтетическая языковая личность, ассоциативно-интерпретационный уровень, когнитивно-прагматическая программа, субъект-источник, субъект-интерпретатор, коммуникативный потенциал, rock-text, synthetic linguistic personality, associative and interpretative level, cognitive and pragmatic program, subject-source, subject-interpreter, communicative potential
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