Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 12. Part 2. P. 87-89.
Drobyshev Aleksei Viktorovich
Voronezh State Technical University
Abstract. The article deals with the main directions of the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the interaction with the army in the middle of the XIX century on the basis of the existed system of relations in the wartime. It is shown that the Russian Orthodox Church as a powerful spiritual and moral force of the Russian state played a significant role in the organization and realization of struggle against foreign invaders during the Crimean (Eastern) War of 1853-1856. It consisted in multilateral activity, the main purpose of which was the formation of opposition and the rise of religious and patriotic spirits.
Key words and phrases: Церковь, военное духовенство, государство, армия, флот, Church, the military clergy, state, army, navy
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