Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the socio-political life of Tambov region in the period of the institutional crisis of 1992-1993. The process of the formation of opposition in the province is examined, the causes of the split of the local democratic movement are revealed. The conclusion is made that the situation in Tambov region on the whole corresponded to the federal one; however it didn’t achieve such tension. The local elites supported that party of the conflict, which they orientated to; generally they took up waiting attitude in the period of active confrontation in the capital.
Key words and phrases: институциональный кризис, Тамбовская область, движение "Отечество", движение "Демократическая Россия", Указ № 1400 "О поэтапной конституционной реформе" от 21 сентября 1993 г, institutional crisis, Tambov region, the movement "Motherland", the movement "Democratic Russia", Ukase № 1400 "On Stage-by-stage Constitutional Reform" from September, 21, 1993
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