Abstract. The article deals with the main elements of the methods of teaching the course "History of Britain" in the English language in the Center for International Professional Training of Tambov State Technical University. The author focuses on the need for the activization of students’ study within the framework of bilingual teaching technology. The main conclusion is that the two-year approbation of this course is successful that allows students, including on its basis, to continue their education in the Center for the formation of foreign-language communicative competence.
Key words and phrases: история Британии, английский язык, двуязычная технология обучения, методика преподавания, балльно-рейтинговая система, Центр подготовки международных специалистов, ФГБОУ ВПО "Тамбовский государственный технический университет", history of Britain, the English language, bilingual technology of teaching, teaching methods, score-rating system, Center for International Professional Training, Tambov State Technical University
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