Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 11. Part 2. P. 49-52.
Boldyreva Vera Geolenovna
Udmurt State University
Abstract. The article examines certain peculiarities of the Russian song system of the Middle Kama region by the example of the wedding song "Godmother, Godmother Come Out". The Russian wedding tradition of the studied area developed as a multi-component phenomenon integrating the heterogeneous elements of several resettlement streams of Russian population. The headlined song is a clear example of the integrative and consolidation processes that occurred within the studied area, which is justified by a textological analysis conducted at ethnographical, poetical, kinetic and musical levels.
Key words and phrases: Среднее Прикамье, русская свадебная традиция, переселенческие потоки, курник, свадебный каравай, дивья красота, скоморошья лексика, свадебная плясовая, стихия игры, the Middle Kama region, Russian wedding tradition, resettlement streams, kurnik, wedding loaf, maiden’s beauty, skomorokh vocabulary, wedding folk dance, game element
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