Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 11. Part 1. P. 214-217.
Yafarova Zaura Galievna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article discusses the history of developing Turkish periodical magazines in the first years after proclaiming the Republic. The history of the periodical press of Turkey’s early republican period is closely associated with the history of the country since the press served as the basic means to inform the population about the events that took place and also performed an auxiliary function in the process of the realization of the governmental goals and the formation of ideological and cultural diversity. The author presents a brief description of the most important magazines, which were issued at that time.
Key words and phrases: история, история Турции, журнальная пресса, история периодической печати, периодическая печать Турции, history, history of Turkey, periodical magazines, history of periodical press, Turkey’s periodical press
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