Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 3. P. 21-25.
Antonenko Viktoriya Vladimirovna
Smolensk State University
Abstract. The article reveals the conceptual logic of the development of protestant theodicy from M. Luther to K. Barth. In the process of the development of protestant creed various solutions of theodicy problem were suggested, but the "doctrine on justification by faith" of M. Luther and J. Calvin had the determining impact on it. The theodicy of M. Luther and J. Calvin was characterized by theocentrism - the idea of God and the idea of salvation is in the centre of everything. The socio-economic conditions that had formed by the XIX-XX centuries contributed to the formation of new world outlook, the main feature of which was anthropocentrism peculiar for the theodicy of K. Barth.
Key words and phrases: протестантская теодицея, благодать, вера, разум, зло, добро, ответственность, protestant theodicy, grace, faith, intellect, evil, good, responsibility
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