Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 3. P. 63-66.
Zol'nikov Mikhail Evgen'evich
Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov
Abstract. In spite of the long period of studies, the characteristics of the German cinema of the 1910-20s, including movie-expressionism, are still vague. Analyzing the early films of one of the most famous producers of the silent movie epoch Fritz Lang (1890-1976) among nine "classical" expressionist films the author concludes that Lang’s creative work is rather specific and enriches the characteristics of expressionist films with the detailed depiction of urban style, nature, new type of antagonists.
Key words and phrases: Фриц Ланг, "Нибелунги", "Усталая Смерть", специфика киноэкспрессионизма, нетипичные черты, Fritz Lang, "The Nibelungs", "The Weary Death", specifics of movie-expressionism, atypical features
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