Abstract. The article examines the bases of the normative-legal regulation of Russian-Austrian collaboration in cultural sphere, analyzes the fundamental documents devoted to bilateral agreements on various aspects of the cultural collaboration of the two countries, assesses the impact of the normative-legal basis of the collaboration on the development of the cultural dialogue. The paper contains recommendations concerning the further development of the documental basis of the cultural relations of the Russian Federation and the Austrian Republic.
Key words and phrases: русско-австрийские культурные связи, документальные основы сотрудничества, роль документальных основ в развитии двустороннего сотрудничества в конце ХХ - начале XXI в, Программа культурного сотрудничества и обменов, Соглашение о культурном сотрудничестве, Соглашение о научно-техническом сотрудничестве, Russian-Austrian cultural links, documental bases of collaboration, role of documental bases in development of bilateral collaboration, Programme of Cultural Collaboration and Exchanges, Agreement on Cultural Collaboration, Agreement on Scientific and Technical Collaboration
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