Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 2. P. 186-188.
Timchenko Viktor Vladimirovich
North-Caucasus Federal University
Abstract. The article reveals the main features of the process of catapults distribution in battle actions within northern and central Italy in the XIII-XIV centuries. The author pays special attention to their use in such dynamically developing in that period branches of military affairs as assault, siege and defense of fortresses. Basing on the analysis of various types of written sources the paper studies their use by the communal militias of the towns in the north and centre of the Apennine Peninsula, by the supporters of feudal urban districts - Contado and Distretto, and also by the condottieri of Companies of Fortune.
Key words and phrases: средневековый город, коммунальная милиция, Компании Удачи, фортификация, метательные машины, medieval town, communal militia, Companies of Fortune, fortification, catapults
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