Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 2. P. 98-101.
Malkina Svetlana Mikhailovna
National Research Saratov State University
Abstract. The article deals with Kant’s interpretation of philosophy as metaphysics through his metaphor of "tribunal of reason". The conclusion is made that the scene of tribunal transfers the issue from the scope of factuality into the sphere of legitimation thereby transforming the mode of philosophizing. The specific feature of this scene is that reason acts as the defendant, the judge and the source of law simultaneously. Kant maintains metaphysics as a sphere of the power of reason and limiting its claims to knowledge justifies it as the science of the ultimate goal of the man.
Key words and phrases: Кант, трансцендентальная философия, метафизика, разум, философия как наука, суд над разумом, Kant, transcendental philosophy, metaphysics, reason, philosophy as science, tribunal of reason
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