Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 1. P. 36-38.
Bezverkhin Andrei Sergeevich
Saint Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law (Branch) in Novokuznetsk
Abstract. The article explicates the essential difference of the conception "phenomenological tradition" from the definition of the conception "tradition" in Ren? Gu?non’s school of thinkers-traditionalists as an example of the inversion of the use of terms in their fundamental aspects in modern cultural consciousness. The author concludes on the lack of the strict authenticity of the conception "phenomenological tradition" with the basic features of the conception "tradition" in integral traditionalism as an initial meaning of this conception.
Key words and phrases: феноменологическая традиция, интегральный традиционализм, традиционные учения, инициация, традиционные формы, трансцендентальный радикализм, phenomenological tradition, integral traditionalism, traditional doctrines, initiation, traditional forms, transcendental radicalism
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