Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 1. P. 193-198.
Abstract. The Chinese martial art of Wushu and its spreading in the world are considered in the context of social and cultural globalization. The analysis is conducted on the basis of Chinese literary sources. The main processes of the internationalization of Wushu and the basic forms of the propaganda in the world of Chinese martial art and Chinese national culture are analyzed in detail. It is concluded that remaining a part of Chinese national culture Wushu has become one of the elements of the process of cultural globalization affecting the development of world culture.
Key words and phrases: социокультурная глобализация, китайская национальная культура, китайское боевое искусство, определение Ушу, интернационализация Ушу, формы пропаганды Ушу, Институт Конфуция, social and cultural globalization, Chinese national culture, Chinese martial art, definition of Wushu, internationalization of Wushu, forms of Wushu propaganda, Confucius Institute
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