Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 10. Part 1. P. 67-69.
Grishin Vadim Vasil'evich, Shilovskaya Natal'ya Stanislavovna
Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the destiny of peasantry, its history, living space and the tragedy of peasant life. The paper discusses the conception of history by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Rousseauist idealization of patriarchal peasant world, their strong points and contradictions. The conception of the human in Rousseau’s history is considered in humanistic aspect. The authors interpret the Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy as Rousseau’s ideological successor. The researchers draw parallels between the ideas of the French philosopher and the Russian writer.
Key words and phrases: человек, история, бытие, экзистенция, гуманизм, крестьянство, прогресс, human being, history, being, existence, humanism, peasantry, progress
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