Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 1. Part 2. P. 197-199.
Fedorovskaya Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article considers the features of artistic space realization on plane in relation to the western and eastern cultural types. It is ascertained that the cultural types of the East and the West are of critical significance in the formation of perspective laws in the image. Discontinuity gains great significance in the Western European tradition and it involves the creation of mathematically calibrated, complex space, and continuity gains significance in the Eastern one, and it manifests itself in simultaneity and the avoidance of unnecessary detailed elaboration in the representation of the world.
Key words and phrases: художественное пространство, перспектива, Восток - Запад, типология культур, дискретность, континуальность, симультанность, artistic space, perspective, East - West, typology of cultures, discontinuity, continuity, simultaneity
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