Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 1. Part 2. P. 60-63.
Evdokimova Alla Alekseevna
Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatoire (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka
Abstract. The article reveals the melodic kinship of the singings of the Serbian Octoechos recorded by the composer Stevan Mokranjac with the melodies of the Russian echoes chant. This Octoechos is sung in the Church Slavonic language of the Russian recension, but includes the features of two earlier editions of the text, which are found in the Russian books of the XI-XIV centuries (old "istinnorechie" (the pronunciation of words in church singing as they sound in speech)) and of the XIV-XVII centuries ("razdelnorechie" (the pronunciation of words including vowels missing in words between consonants and after the final consonant)). The paper identifies possible reasons of musical and linguistic connections between the Russian and Serbian church singing.
Key words and phrases: Осмогласник, Стеван Мокраняц, знаменный распев, сербское церковное пение, церковнославянский язык, Octoechos, Stevan Mokranjac, echoes chant, the Serbian church singing, the Church Slavonic language
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