Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 1. Part 1. P. 153-156.
Polikarpov Vitalii Semenovich, Polikarpova Elena Vital'evna
Southern Federal University
Abstract. In the article the authors ground the heuristic importance of the model of temporal labyrinth to explain the history of civilizations. It is shown how the use of the explanatory potential of N. Luhmann’s theory and the concept "world" introduced by him contributes to the better understanding of changes taking place in social system (civilization) as a result of the creative activity of a human being (elites). In the work possible scenarios of the future of civilizations (the USA, China, Russia) are presented.
Key words and phrases: цивилизация, лабиринт, человек, элита, креативность, мир, civilization, labyrinth, human being, elite, creativity, world
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