Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 1. Part 1. P. 112-114.
Magomedov Kamil' Magomedovich
Dagestan State Institute of National Economy
Abstract. In the article certain issues concerning the understanding of being as the most important category for philosophy in general and for ontology in particular are revealed. The examples of one-sided approaches to this category comprehension in national and world philosophy are given, being is studied from the perspective of non-linear thinking. Particularly this concerns the consideration of being as objective reality and the correlation of being and non-being in different types of world view.
Key words and phrases: бытие, небытие, нелинейное мышление, основной вопрос философии, бытие и мышление, креационизм, being, non-being, non-linear thinking, fundamental issue of philosophy, being and thinking, creationism
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