Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 9. Part 2. P. 209-215.
Yatsuk Nataliya Alekseevna
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Abstract. The article is devoted to the struggle for Poland independence of the end of the XVIII century reflected in the image of the princess Rozaliya Lyubomirskaya executed by the Jacobins. At present she is considered as a victim of political terror leaving aside her active role in the life of Poland. The goal of the work is to study the patriotic activity of the princess and the reasons of her emigration to France. An attempt to retrace the events of the last months of her life that entailed charge with conspiracy is made for the first time.
Key words and phrases: польская шляхта, разделы Польши, "польские якобинцы", Любомирские, якобинский террор, история искусства, рококо, романтизм, the Polish szlachta, divisions of Poland, "the Polish Jacobins", the Lyubomirskiis, the Jacobinic terror, history of art, rococo, romanticism
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