Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 9. Part 2. P. 30-32.
Aniskov Artem Sergeevich
Kaluga State University named after К. Е. Tsiolkovski
Abstract. In the article the author makes an attempt to evaluate the role of garrison in the revolutionary events of 1917 in Kaluga province in the course of confrontation during the disbandment of the Soviet of Soldiers’ Deputies in Kaluga. The peculiarities of party situation in Kaluga, the political affiliation of the leaders of the Soviet of Soldiers’ Deputies and the reasons of the Soviet disbandment are studied. The factors, which influenced the peculiarities of the Bolsheviks’ power establishment in Kaluga province, are noted.
Key words and phrases: калужский гарнизон, тыловой полувоенный город, большевизация, разгон солдатского Совета, установление советской власти, Kaluga garrison, logistics paramilitary town, Bolsheviks’ influence strengthening, disbandment of Soldiers’ Soviet, establishment of the soviet rule
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