Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 9. Part 2. P. 145-147.
Pravdin Klim Gennad'evich
Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
Abstract. In the article the process of isolating the ex libris (book label) and the book is considered. The views of the national collectors of the XX century, who studied this issue, are analyzed. The topic of falsification in the ex-libris, which is urgent for the present, is also touched upon. A number of examples from museum practice (the fund of "Rare Publications" of A. V. Suvorov State Memorial Museum) that show the possibilities of the ex libris - in situ in the decoding of the history of the object existence are given.
Key words and phrases: экслибрис, книжный знак, in situ, изъятие экслибриса, коллекция, связь "книга - экслибрис", фальсификат, гарантия подлинности, история бытования, ex libris, book label, "in situ", removal of ex libris, collection, connection "book - ex libris", falsification, warranty of genuineness, history of existence
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