Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 9. Part 1. P. 16-18.
Aslanova Marina Teuvezhevna, Tlyunyaeva Anna Ademirovna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (Branch) in Surgut
Abstract. The article reveals the meaning of the concepts "mass culture" and "a man of the crowd". The authors introduce and justify the thesis that the culture of post-modernism together with the technologies of information society was one of the basic reasons for the origin and development of mass culture and, as a consequence of this process, the origin of "a man of the crowd". The paper investigates the interrelations of mass and consumer cultures in modern society.
Key words and phrases: постмодернизм, информационное общество, массовая культура, массовый человек, потребительская культура, post-modernism, information society, mass culture, "a man of the crowd", consumer culture
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