Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 8. Part 2. P. 204-207.
Shabykov Vitalii Ivanovich, Kudryavtseva Raisiya Alekseevna
Mari Language, Literature and History Scientific Research Institute named after V. M. Vasilyev
Mari State University
Abstract. The goal of the article is to identify gender differences in the Mari’s perception of the native language as an ethnic value. Basing on the data of the sociological researches of the beginning of the 2010s the authors present an opinion of the respondents - men and women - about the place of the native language in the system of ethnic values and develop the communicative picture of the native language in the aspect of the gender representation of the Mari ethnic identity.
Key words and phrases: марийцы, этнические ценности, родной язык, языковая коммуникация, гендерные различия, the Mari, ethnic values, native language, linguistic communication, gender differences
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