Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 7. Part 2. P. 161-163.
Polozov Sergei Pavlovich
Saratov State Sobinov Conservatory
Abstract. The article reveals the attitude of the founders of information theory C. Shannon and N. Wiener to the possibility for the application of their theory to music. If their followers preferred to apply purely mathematical toolset to musical material, the founders themselves had emphasized not only quantitative but also qualitative side. This secures a methodological purpose to apply informational approach while studying music taking into account the dialectical unity of the syntactic and semantic aspects of information.
Key words and phrases: понятие информации, К. Шеннон, Н. Винер, теория информации в исследовании музыки, основоположники теории информации, conception of information, C. Shannon, N. Wiener, information theory in studies of music, founders of information theory
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