Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 7. Part 2. P. 71-73.
Dmitryuk Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the institution of compulsory medical insurance in the process of healthy generation formation. The author suggests her own definition of the institution of compulsory medical insurance as a factor of healthy generation formation, a list of its functions, and a set of criteria for the efficiency estimation of its social-oriented activity. It is concluded that for the successful formation of healthy generation and society as a whole the responsible and effective use of the complex of financial and economic tools, medical methods and social work is needed.
Key words and phrases: здоровье населения в социальном контексте, здоровое поколение, обязательное медицинское страхование, социальные ценности, health of population in social context, healthy generation, compulsory medical insurance, social values
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