Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 3. P. 211-215.
Shnaider Vladimir Gennad'evich
Kuban State University (Branch) in Armavir
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of the practical application of some methods and research techniques of "new local history" and micro-history by the example of the studies of the ethnocultural group of the Russian Germans, who resided in the town of Armavir from the end of the XIX century till 1941. The paper touches upon the methods for the identification and investigation of the factors of the self-identification and self-preservation of a small ethnocultural group under continuous habitation among the predominating alien ethnical environment.
Key words and phrases: этнокультурная община, социальный субстрат, факторы и символы этнокультурного единства, историко-демографический и локальный анализ, генеалогия, российские немцы, ethnocultural community, social substratum, factors and symbols of ethnocultural unity, hist
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