Abstract. In the 1990s the Lebanese society entered a new period of the development of inter-confessional relations. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of the Shiite and Sunni communities (demographic indices, access to education and employment, the development level of the places of settlement) for the purpose of identifying such aspects as: the validity of the Shiites’ claims for the increase of their representation in the system of political confessionalism; the reasonableness of statements about the discrimination of the Shiite community; the influence of confessional factor at the present stage.
Key words and phrases: Ливан, религия, конфессиональная принадлежность, шииты, сунниты, христиане, территориальное расселение, бедность, образование, профессия, Lebanon, religion, confessional membership, the Shiites, the Sunni, the Christians, territorial settlement, poverty,
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