Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 3. P. 149-151.
Protopopov Ivan Alekseevich
St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Engineering
Abstract. The author analyzes the idea of idealism in the Hegelian system, the subject of which is infinite existence perceptible by mind and relating to the absolute subject thinking him/herself. It is shown that only such position based on the principles of idealism corresponds to philosophy understanding in general in the Hegelian system. In this sense absolute idealism is opposed to both subjective idealism of Kant and Fichte and materialism that admits the existence of external things given to us in sensory perception as a true reality.
Key words and phrases: абсолютный и субъективный идеализм, идеальное и реальное, диалектический материализм, постигаемое разумом бытие, бесконечное и конечное, absolute and subjective idealism, ideal and real, dialectical materialism, existence perceptible by mind, infinite and
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