Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 3. P. 48-50.
Demin Il'ya Vyacheslavovich
Samara State Aerospace University
Abstract. The main philosophical meanings of "the end of history" idea in the classical and non-classical (postmetaphysical) philosophy of history are revealed and analyzed in the article. "The end of history" means the end point of "the world history" event in the context of classical metaphysics, but it means the denial of the linear vision of history and the revision of the principles of determinism and teleologism in the interpretation of the human being, society and culture in non-classical historiosophy.
Key words and phrases: история, философия истории, конец истории, постистория, нарратив, метафизика, постмодернизм, историчность, history, philosophy of history, end of history, posthistory, narrative, metaphysics, post-modernism, historicity
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