Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 2. P. 87-90.
Ibraimov Artur Aleksandrovich
State University of Management
Abstract. This article is a theoretical one. The author reveals the features of political power in Russia that formed under the influence of political culture. So the analysis of existing approaches to the definition of the phenomena of political culture and political power and of the evolution of these phenomena in the Russian historically formed realities is conducted; the degree of their interference is revealed. On the basis of the undertaken analysis and with the help of system approach the objective view of the national features of political power in Russia is formed.
Key words and phrases: политическая культура, типология политических культур, политическая власть, политическое управление, моноцентрическая модель власти, этатизм, клиентеизм, русская модель управления, political culture, typology of political cultures, political power, power
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