Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 5. Part 2. P. 73-76.
D'yakonova Varvara Egorovna
Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture
Abstract. The following directions of the formation and development of the orchestra of the Yakut musical instruments are singled out on the basis of the analysis of archival materials, the scientific works of the leading researchers in the sphere of organology and factual data from the newspaper articles of the 60-80s of the ХХ century: 1) the revelation of the Sakha folklore instruments suitable for stage solo and orchestral sounding; 2) the reconstruction of folk instruments by local and Russian masters and the execution of special orders in workshops; 3) the first orchestral teams creation; 4) professional personnel, orchestra artists training; 5) the formation of the professional Yakut folk orchestra on the basis of the amateur folk orchestra.
Key words and phrases: оркестр якутских национальных инструментов, музыкальные инструменты, кырымпа, купсюр, дюнгюр, хомус, джага, табык, the Yakut folk orchestra, musical instruments, kyrympa, kupsyur, dyungyur, khomus, dzhaga, tabyk
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