Abstract. The economy of our country suffered enormous losses resulting from the First World War, Civil War and intervention. The article describes the state of the Navy and domestic shipbuilding industry in the 20s of the XX century. The state of affairs in the investigated period prevented the leadership of the country from the restoration of the bygone sea power of the state. But due to the advances of the soviet people in the restoration and development of economy shipbuilding industry was created in the USSR at the end of the 1930s, which could build all types of ships.
Key words and phrases: Военно-Морской Флот, эскадра, линкор, крейсер, эсминец, подводная лодка, Балтийский судостроительный и механический завод, Адмиралтейский судостроительный завод, судостроительная программа, the Navy, squadron, battleship, cruiser, destroyer, submarine, Ba
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