Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 4. Part 1. P. 186-189.
Khabdaeva Ayuna Konstantinovna
Buryat State University
Abstract. The article investigates the problems of the Buddhist education tradition development in China. At the time of Buddhism propagation the Chinese culture had its own standards of enlightenment formed on the basis of traditional Confucian ethical categories. Buddhism propagation made it possible for the Chinese to experience a new educational paradigm cardinally different in its ideological guidelines. The phenomenon of the Buddhist education was a wide concept not limited by the Buddhist theory frameworks. The Buddhist monasteries were educational, cultural, research centers. The conception of the Buddhist education was being formed during the whole period of the Chinese Buddhism development, this process is still in progress at the modern stage of history.
Key words and phrases: буддизм, буддийское образование, Китай, культура, конфуцианство, монастырь, паломник, Buddhism, Buddhist education, China, culture, Confucianism, monastery, pilgrim
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