Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 4. Part 1. P. 149-151.
Pushkareva Tat'yana Vital'evna
Russian State Social University
Abstract. The peculiarities of Russia and Germany modern historical didactics in the context of the modern state and development prospects of humanities dialogue in this area are compared in the article on the basis of the analysis of school educational standards, curricula, textbooks, the works of the teachers and methodologists of these countries. The main difference is fixed between the German and Russian historical didactics: in the basis of the modern German historical didactics there is a conception of inclusive historical memory, and in the basis of the Russian one – rather a conception of exclusive historical memory.
Key words and phrases: школьный учебник, историческая дидактика, Россия, Германия, гуманитарный диалог, историческая память, инклюзивная историческая память, эксклюзивная историческая память, memory studies, school textbook, historical didactics, Russia, Germany, humanities dia
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