Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 3. Part 2. P. 45-47.
Galimova Al'bina Kazimagomedovna
Voronezh State University
Abstract. In this article the author suggests introducing a new trend in philosophical thought. She offers a new trend in hermeneutics basing on the analysis of hermeneutical methods and sociological knowledge. The author names the new hermeneutics as "non-classical" or "social" one. Classical and non-classical hermeneutics are similar essentially; however they differ in their subject and method. Their similarities and differences are analyzed to make the sense of non-classical hermeneutics clear.
Key words and phrases: классическая герменевтика, социальная герменевтика, понимание, интерпретация, познание, герменевтический круг, субъект, социальное действие, classical hermeneutics, social hermeneutics, comprehension, interpretation, cognition, hermeneutic circle, subject
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