Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 12. Part 3. P. 210-212.
Yakovlev Maksim Vladimirovich
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article analyzes the democratic views of the Russian philosophers M. Y. Ostrogorsky and B. N. Chicherin. The author concludes that common for both scientists is the priority of the moral and ethical development of society. As distinct from the follower of constitutional monarchy Chicherin, Ostrogorsky stood up for the political autonomy of demos. According to his ideas, the leading role in democratic process should belong to the free and voluntary associations of citizens, and government must provide backgrounds for raising their moral and ethical level.
Key words and phrases: демократия, демократизация, демократические идеи, политическое лидерство, политические партии, русская либеральная философия, democracy, democratization, democratic ideas, political leadership, political parties, the Russian liberal philosophy
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