Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 12. Part 2. P. 80-82.
Zaitseva Elena Rudol'fovna, Panchenko Vladislav Yur'evich
Siberian Federal University
Abstract. The article substantiates conclusions about the presence of the following reasons of the origin of normative legal obstacles to the realization of human’s constitutional rights and freedoms in Russia: the features of rights and freedoms consolidation in the Constitution of the Russian Federation; the multi-level nature of the Russian law-making; the lack of the specification of the general norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the wrong interpretation of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; the inefficiency of legal liability for their creation and (or) non-elimination; the lack of tradition in the regulation of constitutional rights and freedoms to predict obstacles in the implementation of human’s rights, as well as possible legal remedies.
Key words and phrases: юридические препятствия в реализации прав и законных интересов, права и свободы человека и гражданина, препятствия в праве, правотворчество, конституционное право, теория права, legal obstacles in implementation of rights and legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, obstacles in law, law-making, constitutional rights, theory of law
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