Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 12. Part 1. P. 20-24.
Bakulina Svetlana Dmitrievna
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The form of social demand for education by means of museum space as a structure accumulating and preserving the cultural heritage of a region, state broadens the traditional framework for presenting information. Both information related to the history of a Place and methods for fixing the past in the present, a possibility for the translation of acquired knowledge become relevant for visitors. Responding to this objective cultural and educational function is specially represented in the activity of the school museum - a modern educational platform aimed at enlightening students and population of a town, region on the whole, being a perspective mechanism for translating cultural memory.
Key words and phrases: музейная практика, школьный музей, культурно-образовательная функция музея, трансляция культурной памяти, аксиологическое наполнение, museum practice, school museum, cultural and educational function of museum, translation of cultural memory, axiological loading
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