Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 11. Part 2. P. 206-210.
Shirokova Svetlana Igorevna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. For the most researchers the Swedish theatre began with the dramatic art of the last quarter of the XIX century, a part of which is the famous Swedish playwright and director Johan August Strindberg. The early periods of theatre development in Sweden have not been a full-fledged object of scientific research, but have been only mentioned in some cultural and historical works. Our task is to study the genesis and evolution of the Swedish theatre. The article attempts to identify the origins of the Swedish theatre: the game basis of the ancient Swedes, the features of cave art and the ritual ceremonies of the Bronze Age in Sweden.
Key words and phrases: шведский театр, театральное искусство Швеции, наскальная живопись, рунические камни, театр бронзового века, ритуал, культ, обряд, игра, the Swedish theatre, theatre art of Sweden, cave art, rune stones, theatre of the Bronze Age, ritual, cult, rite, game
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