Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 11. Part 2. P. 69-71.
Gromova Elena Arkad'evna
Volzhsky Humanities Institute (Branch) of Volgograd State University
Abstract. The article tries to analyze peacemaking ideas in the Russian philosophy of the beginning of the XX century. The author differentiates the conceptions "peacemaking" and "pacifism", identifies sociocultural reasons for the dominance of the ideas of militarized patriotism in the Russian public consciousness at the beginning of the XX century. The paper describes the evolution of peacemaking ideas from classical pacifism to liberal one. It is shown that national peacemaking discourse for all the importance of the principles of Christian philosophy was not purely nonresistant, the ideas of liberal pacifism prevailed in it.
Key words and phrases: миротворчество, пацифизм, либеральный пацифизм, ненасилие, милитаризм, peacemaking, pacifism, liberal pacifism, non-violence, militarism
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