Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 11. Part 1. P. 205-208.
Shcherbakov Vyacheslav Yur'evich
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the current state of the right-wing spectrum of the German political arena. The electoral association "Citizens in Rage", which is a moderate right-wing segment of the right-wing populist sector, is considered in detail as an example. The paper discusses the specificity of the association against the background of other right-wing forces, its election campaigns, tactics, program and leaders. The overall assessment of prospects for "Citizens in Rage" is given: strengthening at regional level is possible and attempts to enter the federal and European levels are prospectless.
Key words and phrases: "Граждане в гневе", правый популизм, праворадикальный сектор, ФРГ, "Citizens in Rage", right-wing populism, right-wing sector, the Federal Republic of Germany
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