Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 10. Part 3. P. 167-169.
Rudi Amina Shamil'evna
Omsk State University of Railway Transport
Abstract. Megaorganism is studied as a stage of lineup stability corresponding to one of the stages of the scientific cognition of the world under the hierarchical dominance of the biological guidelines of world outlook. The model of Megaorganism is effective in explaining the stability of complex self-organizing systems, in which existence the simplest signs of stability are not found practically: static character, symmetry, hard determinism, the implementation of simplicity principle.
Key words and phrases: устойчивость, моделирование устойчивости, Мегаорганизм, эволюционизм, органицизм, stability, modeling of stability, Megaorganism, evolutionism, organicism
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