Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 10. Part 3. P. 162-167.
Petinova Tat'yana Mikhailovna
Samara State Technical University
Abstract. The article examines one of the most burning problems of modern society - the problem of social orphanhood. By the materials of a specific sociological survey the author analyzes the attitude to this phenomenon of the representatives of various age groups. Special attention is paid to identifying the influence of the existing stereotypes forming attitude to the problem. The researcher makes a conclusion on priority measures for solving the problem of social orphanhood mentioning the high level of the coincidence of measures suggested by the respondents and realized by the state.
Key words and phrases: семья, социальное сиротство, дети, жизненные цели, усыновление, государственная семейная политика, family, social orphanhood, children, life goals, adoption, state family policy
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