Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 10. Part 3. P. 125-127.
Lysak Irina Vital'evna, Kosenchuk Lyudmila Fedorovna
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article analyzes personal identity as perception by personality of his/her cohesion and integrity in space and time. The paper distinguishes two levels in the structure of personal identity: individual including the integrity of unique, peculiar features and sociocultural presupposing identification with the norms of social environment and the symbolic world of culture. The authors argue that the basic mechanisms for constructing identity are narrativization and reflected interaction.
Key words and phrases: персональная идентичность, социальный конструктивизм, автобиографическая память, нарративизация, интерсубъективность, рефлексия, personal identity, social constructivism, autobiographical memory, narrativization, intersubjectivity, reflection
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