Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 10. Part 1. P. 123-125.
Piskunov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. In the article the transformation of agricultural migration within the territory of the RSFSR in the second half of the 1980s conditioned by the changes of guiding lines in the foreign and internal policy of the state during the period of M. S. Gorbachev’s governing is analyzed. The normative and legal base of the centralized redistribution of manpower in favour of rural area conducted in the conditions of demographic transition and government measures aimed at sociocultural changes in the countryside are studied.
Key words and phrases: договор, переселение, новосел, государственная политика, льготы, contract, migration, new settler, state policy, benefits
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