Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. Part 1. P. 169-171.
Nesterenko Vyacheslav Arkad'evich
Russian Law Academy of the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice
Abstract. Parties’ composition in court sitting at criminal case legal investigation in appeal instance is analyzed in the article. The formulations imperfection of the Russian Federation Procedural-Criminal Code in relation to the prosecutor’s and (or) public prosecutor’s participation is revealed. The author suggests consolidating the public prosecutor’s obligatory participation that will allow eliminating juridical-linguistic uncertainty. Also the bases imperfection of the participation of the convicted, justified person, and the person, in whose relation criminal case is withdrawn, in court sitting is revealed, and in this connection it is suggested consolidating the obligatory participation of the above mentioned persons if they solicited for it. Key words and phrases: persons’ participation; public prosecutor, prosecutor; convicted, justified person or person, in whose relation criminal case is withdrawn; juridical-linguistic uncertainty; suggestion.
Key words and phrases: участие лиц, государственный обвинитель, прокурор, осужденный, оправданный или лицо, в отношении которого прекращено уголовное дело, юридико-лингвистическая неопределенность, предложение
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